
About Us

Aporia is an undergraduate journal of philosophy at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. Aporia is published twice yearly: an online edition in the fall, and a print edition in the spring. The staff of Aporia consists of philosophy students at Brigham Young University. For information on joining the Aporia staff, email us at aporia.byu@gmail.com. For information on submitting a paper to Aporia, click here.

The Aporia staff is especially grateful to those who support and make possible this journal. Special thanks go to Dr. David Jensen, chair of the Department of Philosophy, and Dr. Michael Hansen, our faculty advisor. Aporia is funded by a generous contribution from the David H. Yarn Endowment. Those wishing to contribute to this fund may do so by contacting the BYU Department of Philosophy at phil_dept@byu.edu.

If you have any questions or would like to request a copy of Aporia, contact us at aporia.byu@gmail.com.


4086 JFSB

Brigham Young University

Provo, UT 84602