

Aporia is published twice each year, in the fall and in the spring. The fall issue is exclusively online; the spring issue appears in print. The deadline for submissions is usually in September for the fall issue and January for the spring issue.

We are now accepting submissions for the Spring 2025 issue.

The deadline for submissions is Monday, 27 January 2025. Submissions should be emailed in Word (.docx) or Google Docs format to

We welcome well-written, undergraduate papers on any philosophical topic. We prefer papers of approximately 3000–5000 words. Essays should be original, unpublished, and must not be in submission elsewhere. We are also soliciting short critical notices (500–1500 words) responding to articles in the current and recent issues of Aporia.

All submissions must be formatted for blind review. Remove all identifying information from your paper. In the body of the email, include your name, the title of your submission, your institutional affiliation, and confirmation you are a current undergraduate. In addition, you must indicate that the paper is original, unpublished, not in submission elsewhere, and that artificial intelligence has not written the paper or produced the argument of the paper.

Questions or comments may be sent to the editor at the same email address.